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Employees in technology and administration

Even though gender equality efforts in universities are primarily aimed at young academics in the broadest sense, employees in the science-supporting apparatus at TU Dortmund University are not forgotten. On this page, you will find offers that are of particular interest to employees in technology and administration:

Are you interested in gender equality topics such as gender-equitable language, protection against discrimination and sexualized violence or the legal basis of gender equality work? In the "Topics" section, we have compiled information with a different focus on gender equality.


In cooperation with the Equal Opportunities, Family and Diversity Office and the Center for Higher Education, the Equal Opportunities Office launched the Secretarial Management Network in 2011. It invites employees from chair secretariats, dean's offices and other administrative areas of the departments and institutions of TU Dortmund University as well as employees of the central administration. In addition to information on key topics, the network meetings provide a space for the exchange of knowledge and experience. The network meets two to three times a year. The topics of the meetings are determined by the participants themselves and are based on current needs.

Secretarial management network

Information on the departments' activities to reduce structural disadvantages for women and to combat existing or foreseeable gender disparities can be found in the decentralized equality concepts. We have collected the current equality concepts as well as information on further measures and contact persons in the departments for you.

Gender equality in the departments and institutions

Are you looking for contact persons for gender equality issues or would you like to get to know the structures of gender equality work at TU Dortmund University? Are you involved in gender equality issues yourself and want to network? We have compiled the most important contacts and networks within and outside TU Dortmund University for you.

Team of the Equal Opportunities Office


If the topic of "working with children" is a high priority for you or if you are responsible for caring for family members, we recommend that you visit the TU Dortmund University Family Portal. Here you will find numerous offers, tips and information on reconciling work with family commitments.

TU Dortmund University Family Portal

Language creates reality and the use of gender-equitable wording promotes equality between men and women in all areas of life. Here you can read information on the subject and find tips to help you formulate scientific and non-scientific texts in a gender-equitable way.

Gender-equitable language

Would you like to find out more about discrimination, disadvantage, abuse of power, harassment and sexualized violence? Are you looking for someone you can turn to in confidence?

Our queerfeminist glossary #klargestellt offers an aid to understanding terms relating to gender and sexual orientation. The queerfeminist glossary presents a selection of terms, most of which refer to people's gender and sexuality, without any claim to completeness. It is intended to encourage people to question their own use of language in everyday life and in the university context, to expand their knowledge and to show how language can be used in a way that is critical of discrimination.


With our feminist and queer calendar, we bring you up to date on current, local and international action and holidays with a focus on queerfeminist issues and perspectives.

Up to Date

Advisor/Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer for Technology and Administration