Sexual and gender diversity
The sexual and gender diversity of society is a living reality at universities. Lesbian, trans*, gay, inter*, non-binary, bisexual and pansexual people study and work at TU Dortmund University. The Equal Opportunities Office wants to do justice to this diversity. It therefore provides information to promote the reduction of structural disadvantages for queer people. Queer groups are presented as well as offers that are particularly aimed at queer people.
Queer on campus
We are publishing the "Queer on Campus" flyer at the start of the semester. It will be distributed to new students at the start of the semester as a print version via the AStA of TU Dortmund University and the student councils. The flyer is intended to make it easier to find networks, workshops, parties, advice or gender-neutral toilets and is a compilation of offers for queer students . The overview includes queer political groups, university institutions, locations and counseling services at the university and throughout Dortmund.

The Male-Ident-Queer Unit (MIQ) looks after queer TU students who identify as male. However, the MIQ events are open to all interested parties, regardless of sexual or gender identity.
The events take place every Thursday evening during the lecture period and range from beer tastings and karaoke parties to information events on trans*identity, STIs or being queer at work. There are also consultation hours during the week in the MIQ office (Emil-Figge-Str. 50 room 0.503), where you can get advice on discrimination and coming out issues or simply have a relaxed coffee. The MIQ office is a safe space and offers cozy seating as well as hot and cold drinks, snacks and an extensive library of queer-only books and DVDs.
The department is headed by three speakers who are elected annually at the end of the winter semester at a general assembly by all queer TU students who identify as male. In addition to the advisors, there is also an advisory board, which is appointed by the advisors. Members of the council support the speakers in their work. Depending on their mood, they help with event planning and implementation, networking with other queer groups on campus and throughout Germany, as well as with room maintenance and library operations.
Whether you want to drop by as a visitor or are interested in volunteering in the LGBTQIA+ community, the MIQ team looks forward to meeting you!
Further information:
Website: https: //
Instagram: https: //
Telegram channel:
Facebook: https: //
Discord Server: http: //

We are a student working group that is particularly aimed at queer FLINTA* (women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans*, agender). However, everyone is welcome at our events! Our meetings include discussion evenings with lectures on queer topics and creative leisure activities.
We meet approximately every two weeks on Wednesdays during the lecture period. You can find more detailed information about the dates via Instagram and the LeBiQ blog (see contact details below).
As a student working group, we are organized entirely on a voluntary basis. Some of us take care of the semester's events and are also the first point of contact for inquiries and information. Anyone who is interested is welcome to get involved in the organization or simply drop in on the events. We look forward to seeing you!
Further information:
E-mail address: lebiqasta.tu-dortmundde

We are students elected by female* students who offer events for students independently of the AStA and advocate for their interests. We meet regularly to plan events and discuss current issues.
Our meetings are open to anyone who is interested in our work.
further information:
Raising awareness and education
The Equal Opportunities Office provides information that expands knowledge and the use of language on the topics of sexual and gender diversity in everyday life and at the university. There are also links to valuable tools, recommendations for action and practical tips for applying this knowledge in everyday university life and helping to shape a fairer university.
#klargestellt: The queerfeminist glossary
Change of first name
At TU Dortmund University, students can apply to change their first name and gender entry in a university context in advance without a court order.
Central Counseling Center for Protection against Discrimination and Sexualized Violence
The Central Counseling Center for Protection against Discrimination and Sexualized Violence (SchuDS) aims to sensitize the university public and raise awareness and attention for discrimination and sexualized violence, among other things through preventative advice, campaigns and workshops.
The queer youth education and counseling center in the heart of Dortmund for young lsbtianpq* people and queer BIPOC up to the age of 23 offers various group meetings, general coming-out counseling, trans* counseling and counseling for queers of color and their relatives (information available in English).
Queer people who have questions about their sexual identity or are still unsure about their orientation can seek advice here. LEBEDO offers counseling sessions and self-awareness groups on topics such as LGBITQ* with the desire to have children, coming out or identity
The KCR is the oldest existing center for queer networking in Germany. A wide variety of queer groups come together at open meetings, games evenings and joint sporting activities. For example, "Umgequeert" - a group of queer young adults aged 16 to 27.
The Schlau Dortmund volunteer team carries out educational and anti-discrimination work on sexual and gender diversity in workshops with school classes, teenagers and young adults and is open to anyone interested in the project.
The Dortmund media project by queer young people is dedicated to the visibility and support of young lsbt* people through media work. The short films, themed talks and web series in German and English on gender, sexuality and coming out reach several million clicks.
The Pudelwohl health store advises gay and bisexual, cisgender and transgender men on issues relating to relationships, safer sex, STIs, coming out and sexuality. Free HIV tests and STI checks are also offered.
To Pudelwohl
There is also a counseling service for gay, bisexual and queer men* with experience as refugees and/or a migration background (PRADI). Advice is given on topics such as coming out, sexual orientation in the asylum process and sexual addiction. After a consultation, it is possible to obtain an expert opinion on sexual orientation in order to better present this in the asylum process.
The Queers of Hope group is part of the organization Train of Hope e.V. and offers meetings, networking, advice and empowerment for LGBTIQA* refugees or people with a migration background in a protected space.
Further information and external links
Do you want to strengthen your gender and diversity skills, make your courses diversity-friendly and anti-discriminatory or find out how you can support LGBTQIA+ people as an ally?
We have put together a range of digital learning materials on our "Self-learning tools" page.
The project by Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Cologne University of Applied Sciences has examined routine healthcare for trans and inter* people. Based on empirical research, a free online learning platform has been created that is aimed at medical, nursing and psychotherapy professionals and provides them with the basic knowledge they need to provide appropriate care for inter* and trans people.
Anyone interested in the results of the study or looking for further information on the topic can read the project's final report.