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Self-learning tools

On this page, we have compiled a range of self-learning tools and digital learning materials on the topics of gender equality and diversity in university. The tools deal with topics such as gender, diversity and unconscious bias in the university context.

Please note: With the exception of one tool, all tools are in german language.

The digital learning materials are tools that support you in recognizing your own unconscious bias, strengthening your gender and diversity skills and acting more consciously, gender-equitable and non-discriminatory in your environment and in everyday university life.

Unconscious bias and gender-sensitive appointment procedures and personnel decisions

Unconscious bias, i.e. (unconscious) assumptions, prejudices and stereotypical ideas, especially in relation to gender (gender bias), can lead to unequal treatment of both women and men. These tools help you to recognize your own distortions of perception and to reflect on assumptions about traditional gender roles.
Gender bias leads to discrimination against (female) candidates, particularly in personnel decisions and appointment procedures. The tools are intended to raise awareness of the influence of gender bias on performance assessments and personnel decisions. Recommendations for action for gender-equitable appointment procedures are also provided.

‘Universität Konstant’ is written in black on a white background. The cathedral of Constance can be recognised in a square of geometric shapes. © Universität Konstanz

Self-learning tool: Unconscious Bias

In this tool from the University of Konstanz, you will not only learn what unconscious biases are and what role they play in the context of university, but also how they can be avoided.

The logo shows the patron saint of the university, St Peter, with two kneeling knights © Universität Heidelberg

Online tutorial: Gender bias in the appointment process

This online tutorial, developed by UNIFY, shows the role of gender bias in the three subject areas "Individual career paths", "Performance evaluation in science" and "Scientific and interdisciplinary competencies" and provides you with recommendations.

Logo lettering blue: DFG German Research Foundation © DFG

Avoiding bias in scientific
judgment-forming processes

The website of the German Research Foundation provides information on the topic of "Bias in scientific evaluation processes" and how a "bias-free review" can be achieved by means of a short film, various recommendations for action and further background material.

The logo shows the blue letters ‘FAU’ on a white background. © FAU Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Online tutorial: Gender-sensitive appointment procedures and personnel selection

The online course of the Friedrich-Alexander-University raises awareness for (unconscious) gender biases and their influence on personnel decisions. Various aspects of gender-sensitive appointment procedures are presented and a basis for dealing with the topic of "gender-sensitive appointment procedures and personnel selection" is created.

Gender and diversity

Understanding and including

Have you not yet fully understood what is actually meant by "gender", how you can use gender-equitable and discrimination-sensitive language or do you want to learn how to address people from discriminated groups according to their self-identification?
These self-learning tools will help you to better understand sexual and gender diversity and strengthen your gender and diversity skills in general.

A papaya cut open lengthways can be seen on an orange background. Next to it, ‘What is gender?’ is written in black letters on a yellow background. © hoou

Open learning resource: What is gender?

In this open learning resource, the question "What is gender?" is answered from the perspective of gender studies. In addition to the scientific concepts surrounding the term gender, you will also learn about the significance of gender in our society.

A capital G and a capital B are intertwined. To the left of it is ‘Genderleicht & Bildermächtig’ © Genderleicht & Bildermächtig

"Genderleicht & Bildermächtig"

The Journalistinnenbund e.V. project shows you how fair and non-discriminatory media work (in words and images) can work.

The logo shows ‘Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’ in white letters on a green background © Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


In a refreshing way, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar's online tool explores the "how" of gender-sensitive language use and offers an approach to gender-sensitive formulation using concrete examples.

The logo shows the letter ‘TGNS’ on a blue background. © Transgender Network Switzerland

Guide: Asking about gender

The Transgender Network Switzerland uses examples of wording to show how the question of gender can be asked so that non-binary people, trans* people and all people without a suitable official gender entry are also taken into account.

A dark blue circle is depicted on a white sign. ‘The Open University’ is written in white lettering to the right of it © The Open University

How to be a better LGBTQI+ ally (in English)

In this Open Learn University tool, you can interactively follow a day in the life of Naomi and learn how to be an LGBTQIA+ ally.


In university teaching

These self-learning tools and checklists are explicitly aimed at university lecturers.
The tools offer you the opportunity to evaluate your own teaching and provide support in planning and organizing courses in a way that is critical of discrimination and appropriate to diversity.

An ‘F’ broken into three parts. Next to it is written ‘Freie Universität Berlin’ © Freie Universität Berlin

Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching

In the toolbox of FU Universität Berlin you will find introductory information, practical tips and inspiration to help you plan and design your university teaching in a discrimination-critical way.

Divers’ lettering. The ‘V’ is designed like a large green hook. © Divers

DiVers - Didactics and diversity in university teaching

In the self-learning tool of the "Divers" project, you can reflect on and further develop your diversity skills and gain practical tips for university didactics. Self-assessment questions, learning modules and a glossary will stimulate your self-reflection and promote your specialist knowledge and professionalism.

HAW Hamburg’ is written in blue letters on a white background © HAW Hamburg

Checklists and tips: Teaching gender and diversity consciously

HAW Hamburg invites you to use the checklists to reflect on your courses in a diversity-conscious way and presents a collection of good practice examples.

The letters ‘UNI FR’ and a black square appear on a white background. © Universität Freiburg

Gender-equitable university teaching: online tool for self-evaluation and further training

With the online tool of the University of Freiburg (CHE), you can carry out a self-evaluation of your teaching with regard to gender aspects, work on your gender competence and receive support in dealing with a heterogeneous student body.

UNI’ is written in black on a yellow background and “Graz” is written in yellow on a black background. © Universität Graz

MOOC: Well through everyday university life: diversity-sensitive, pre(original)-conscious and inclusive

This MOOC at the University of Graz is about power relations in everyday university life. You will be invited to deal with power relations and forms of discrimination on a personal and academic level and to reflect on your own position within these power structures.

‘University of Freiburg’ is written in blue on a white background. © Universität Freiburg

Checklists for diversity-sensitive teaching

The University of Freiburg provides checklists that can support you in designing diversity-sensitive teaching and courses.

‘Genderind MINT digital’ is written in orange on a white background. On the right, the words are surrounded by square brackets. © HU Berlin

Portal Gendering MINT digital

The Open Educational Resources (OER) of the HU Berlin link the topics "Gender" and "STEM" in the areas of research and teaching and are intended to stimulate reflection on gender issues in the natural and technical sciences. The OER are suitable for students and teachers from the STEM sciences as well as from the social and cultural sciences.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? We look forward to your feedback. Please feel free to send us an e-mail.