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Gender-equitable language

Links and reading tips

Helpful tools Tips & tools for gender-equitable language (in German)

Gend-O-mat: Gender explained for laypeople University of Weimar (in German)

Gender Glossary: Glossary on gender and diversity topics (in German)


Reading tips

Scientific texts | Technical literature (in German)

Lembke, Ulrike (December 2021): "Gender-equitable official language (summary)." Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Federal Monitoring Agency for Accessibility and Information Technology (August 2021): Recommendation on gender-equitable, digitally accessible language

Hartmann, Tina (October 2019): "Arrows to words - Amazons, mothers and the language of patriarchy". Gender Blog

Sczesny, Sabine (October 2019): "Why does it have to be? On the benefits of gender-equitable language". Gender Blog

Nübling, Damaris (October 2019): "Language change and gender - On some misconceptions in the gender debate". Gender Blog

Dr. Lassalle, Andrea (March 2019): "/-innen, Innen und *innen - feminist language criticism". Digital German Women's Archive

German Spelling Council (November 2018): "Empfehlungen zur 'geschlechtergerechten Schreibung'" Council for German Spelling

Nübling, Damaris (March 2018): "Und ob das Genus mit dem Sexus". Language report

Media discourse (in German)

Statement by the spokespersons of the Conference of Institutions for Women's and Gender Studies in German-speaking Countries (KEG)- regarding the use of gender-sensitive language or gender-inclusive language (July 2024): ‘Gender language’

Federal Conference of Women and Gender Equality Officers at Universities (June 2022): Colon or asterisk? On the question of the lack of barriers in gender-sensitive language

Maan, Noura (March 2020): ‘Gender-equitable language: revolution without rules of etiquette.’ The Standard

Society for the German Language (November 2019): ‘Guidelines of the GfdS on the possibilities of gendering.’ Society for the German Language e.V.

Lobin, Henning (April 2019): ‘The rejection of ‘gender language’ - produced by the media.’

Hartmann, Tina (Apr 2019): ‘The effective power of literature.’

Prof Dr Binder, Beate & Prof Dr Vedder, Ulrike (March 2019): ‘Language and reality and the discussion about the gender star.’ Humboldt University of Berlin

Pusch, Luise F. (March 2019): ‘One for all.’

Arndt, Susan (August 2018): ‘The promise of the gender star.’ Der Tagesspiegel

Various authors (Menasse, Eva; Schulze, Ingo; Salzmann, Sasha Marianna; Hettche, Thomas; Aydemir, Fatma; Zaimoglu, Feridun; Röggla, Kathrin; Meinecke, Thomas; Lewitscharoff, Sibylle; Setz, Clemens; Beyer, Marcel; Krechel, Ursula; Mosebach, Martin; Grünbein, Durs; Poschmann, Marion) (June 2018): ‘How do you feel about gender?’ Time Online

Yaghoobifarah, Hengameh (May 2018): ‘Stars and starlets.’ Missy Magazine

Yenirce, Leyla (March 2017): ‘Inclusive language is not dirty dogshit.’ Missy Magazine