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Are you interested in gender equality topics such as gender-equitable language, protection against discrimination and sexualized violence or the legal basis of gender equality work? In the "Topics" section, we have compiled information with a different focus on gender equality.


Information on the departments' activities to reduce structural disadvantages for women and to combat existing or foreseeable gender disparities can be found in the decentralized equality concepts. We have collected the current equality concepts as well as information on further measures and contact persons in the departments for you.

Gender equality in the departments and institutions

Are you looking for contact persons for gender equality issues or would you like to get to know the structures of gender equality work at TU Dortmund University? Are you involved in gender equality issues yourself and want to network? We have compiled the most important contacts and networks within and outside TU Dortmund University for you.

Our team

Our partners

The Equal Opportunities Office wants to empower female scientists to make a confident decision about their career prospects and to plan and prepare for a career within or outside the academic system with confidence. We have therefore developed projects that address this topic in different ways.

The project builds bridges between female scientists and companies in the region and promotes skills that prepare female students, doctoral candidates and postdocs for management positions.

In the Research Acadamy Ruhr, TU Dortmund University focuses on the further development of skills for scientific careers with the mentoring program mentoring³ and the career forum. - Women make a career in the region

Research Academy Ruhr

Anyone aspiring to a professorship will be interested to learn more about the appointment procedure at TU Dortmund University.

Gender-equitable appointment procedures

If the topic of "academic work with a child" is a high priority for you or if you are responsible for caring for family members, we recommend that you visit the Families at TU Dortmund University portal. Here you will find numerous offers, tips and information on how to combine an academic career with family commitments.

TU Dortmund University Family Portal

Would you like to find out more about discrimination, disadvantage, abuse of power, harassment and sexualized violence? Are you looking for someone you can turn to in confidence?

Protection from discrimination and sexualized violence

Are you lesbian, gay, bisexual or pansexual? Are you looking for information and exchange opportunities in the queer community? We have a compilation of offers and material.

Sexual and gender diversity

Do you need literature on gender studies for a seminar, a lecture or a research project? The University Library offers you specialist information on the subject of "Gender Studies". You can search over 50 databases for essays, biographies, journal articles and much more.

Subject information Gender Studies (UB)

With the feminist and queer calendar, we bring you up to date on current, local and international action and holidays with a focus on queerfeminist issues and perspectives.

Up to Date

Advisor/Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer for the area of science