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Information for professors

In some departments, gender is an essential factor when dealing with research questions; in others, the focus is on working against gender disparities. These are just two examples of the points of contact that professors in all disciplines have with gender issues.

On this page, we have compiled some links on gender issues that are of particular interest to professors.

Are you interested in gender equality topics such as gender-equitable language, protection against discrimination and sexualized violence or the legal basis of gender equality work? In the "Topics" section, we have compiled information with a different focus on gender equality.


The recruitment of excellent university lecturers is a central element of a university's quality development. TU Dortmund University therefore sets high standards for its appointment procedures and also places high demands on the chairs and members of an appointment committee. This includes assessing the qualifications and performance of applicants in all phases of a procedure without prejudice.

TU Dortmund University has developed an appointment portal to support the work of the committees and to create transparency throughout the entire appointment process. It helps those involved in the process as a service and information platform and gives interested parties an insight into the specific appointment practice at TU Dortmund University.

Click here for the TU Dortmund University appointment portal

Gender bias has a detrimental effect on academic careers. There are factors that influence the assessment of applicants. We have compiled a range of digital learning materials on the topics of gender equality and diversity in higher education on our ‘Self-learning tools’ page. These include tools that deal with unconscious bias and gender-sensitive appointment procedures and personnel decisions. The tools are intended to raise awareness of the influence of gender bias on performance appraisals and personnel decisions. Recommendations for action for gender-equitable appointment procedures are also provided.

To the self-learning tools

The topic of "gender" is important in teaching in many ways:

  • When teaching scientific findings on a gender-specific research topic.
  • When communicating scientific findings that consider gender as a category of analysis.
  • Because the content to be conveyed is perceived differently by women listeners than by men listeners.
  • Because teaching is done in front of student teachers who need to be aware of the gender-specific learning behavior of students for their later work in schools.

If you would like to find out more about the importance of gender for your subject area, we recommend reading the Women's and Gender Studies Network:

"Gender Curricula for Bachelor's and Master's Degrees"

Information on the departments' activities to reduce structural disadvantages for women and to combat existing or foreseeable gender disparities can be found in the decentralized equality concepts. We have collected the current equality concepts as well as information on further measures and contact persons in the departments for you.

Gender equality in the departments and institutions

When developing new degree programs at TU Dortmund University, sensitivity to gender issues is also a quality feature. For this reason, the Gender and Diversity Working Group supports departments in taking gender issues into account in the process of preparing accreditation applications.

Working Group Diversity

The use of gender-equitable language is clearly regulated for the administration: The State Equal Opportunities Act stipulates that equal linguistic treatment of women and men must be ensured in official correspondence. "Gender-neutral personal designations must be used in forms. If these cannot be found, the female and male language forms must be used." (LGG NRW § 4)

There are no legal regulations for research and teaching. However, students in particular want standardized guidelines for their papers.

Those who are polite and do not wish to discriminate should also use gender-neutral personal designations in research and teaching.

Are you looking for application tips, academic discourse or reading tips?
Gender-neutral language

The "Female Faculty Club" network of professors is intended to help bring female university lecturers at TU Dortmund University into contact with each other across faculties and initiate joint discussions.

Female Faculty Club

The Female Professors Program (PP) is a funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in cooperation with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Women Professors Program

Are you looking for contact persons for gender equality issues or would you like to get to know the structures of gender equality work at TU Dortmund University? Here you can find out who works with whom and how.

Contact persons

The Coordination and Research Office of the NRW Women's and Gender Studies Network produces the NRW Gender Report every three years. It provides an up-to-date overview of gender equality at North Rhine-Westphalian universities from different perspectives and provides you with interesting research and statistical tools. Each year there is a different focus topic.

Gender Report NRW

Are you looking for information on the topic of gender equality at universities and in politics and society? Do you need recommendations or suggestions on these topics?

Journals and online publications

If the topic of "academic work with a child" is a high priority for you or if you are responsible for caring for family members, we recommend that you visit the TU Dortmund University Family Portal. Here you will find numerous offers, tips and information on how to combine an academic career with family commitments.

Family Service

Are you lesbian, gay, bisexual or pansexual? Are you looking for information and exchange opportunities in the queer community? We have a compilation of offers and material.

Sexual and gender diversity

Would you like to find out more about discrimination, disadvantage, abuse of power, harassment and sexualized violence? Are you looking for someone you can turn to in confidence?

Protection from discrimination and sexualized violence

With the feminist and queer calendar, we bring you up to date on current, local and international action and holidays with a focus on queerfeminist issues and perspectives.

Up to Date

How you can support our work

The work of professors is of great importance to TU Dortmund University's gender equality work on many levels.

Contribute to providing students with career guidance free of gender stereotypes by motivating your employees to participate in workshops on Girls*Day or Boys*Day or in our mentoring programs for schoolgirls "MinTU - Mädchen in die TU Dortmund".

Support the reduction of gender disparities in the field of early career researchers by acting as a mentor in mentoring³ .


Advisor/Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer for the area of science