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Schoolgirls discover the university

Information about Girls*Day at TU Dortmund University

Informing girls about mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology and inspiring them to study or train for a career at TU Dortmund University is an important task for the university. Thanks to the support of the departments and institutions, we are able to offer a varied Girls*Day program.

Here are some valuable tips and information for workshop leaders on Girls*Day at TU Dortmund University.

Overview and tips

Girls*Day is an all-day event. From 10:15 am to 12:15 pm , the students work in small groups in the respective departments, chairs or divisions. You are free to use this time to introduce your department to the students. Anything is possible, from short presentations to guided tours or rallies.

Experience has shown that Girls*Day is particularly successful when the girls can work in small groups so that their questions can be dealt with effectively. We therefore ask you to specify a maximum number of participants for your event on the registration form. Events for five people are just as possible as events with a maximum of 20 people

Girls*Day is aimed at schoolgirls from all types of schools in grades 5 to 10, so the girls are between 11 and 16 years old and have different levels of prior knowledge. Please bear this in mind when preparing and organizing your event. If necessary, you can also set an age limit.

The girls must be supervised and accompanied throughout the day. Trainees and employees of TU Dortmund University will take on these tasks. If it is possible for you to accompany the girls during the day - in whole or in part - that would be a great support.

In order to offer the students a target group-oriented insight into your department and to get them interested in your topic, experience has shown that you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Give a brief introduction to the subject area with reference to the students' world. Bear in mind that the students will have different levels of prior knowledge.
  2. Let the girls work independently and solve questions, thus offering a playful approach to your topic.
  3. Offer the girls the opportunity to discuss and ask questions.

At you will find detailed information and lots of material on the Girls*Day idea. Students can also use this portal to register for Girls*Day at TU Dortmund University.

Binding registration

The Girls*Day program at TU Dortmund University is diverse and its organization complex. We are therefore dependent on the fact that registered workshops are guaranteed to take place. In order to ensure a successful day for all girls, we ask you to nominate a substitute in advance who can stand in for you on the day of the event if necessary.

We are delighted that Girls*Day is so popular. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to register for a workshop.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Please contact us by e-mail or telephone.