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Competence analysis - where do I stand, how do I convince?

Donnerstag, 14. und Freitag, 15. November 2024 | jeweils 9 bis 13 Uhr Location: Gleichstellungsbüro
Event type:
Graphic: Two women holding large puzzle pieces that fit into each other ©​/​Adobe Stock
Where do I stand and how do I stand out? Female students, academics and graduates get answers to these questions in the competence analysis workshop as part of The workshop takes place on two consecutive mornings.

Young career starters in particular often find it difficult to present their knowledge and skills in such a way that they can convince interested employers. Especially when the dream job is so close and all that remains to be done is the interview. In addition to the pressure of not knowing exactly what will be asked in the interview, it is often difficult to argue your own benefits, i.e. knowing your own strengths and being convinced of your individual abilities.

Good preparation is the first step to success here. And good preparation includes a comprehensive knowledge of your own skills profile and a firm demonstration of why you are the right person for the advertised position. Together we will filter out the areas of work in which you are likely to be successful. In addition, we will build up your benefit argumentation - then it will also work in the interview or in the next negotiation situation!

Contents and focus

  • Determination of the current professional biography
  • Analysis of strengths and weaknesses
  • Development of personal areas of expertise
  • Presentation of individual career and career planning
  • Presentation of benefits to potential employers

The trainer

Petra Sofia Hübers is a consultant, coach and trainer for personnel and organizational development. In addition to her consulting work for companies, she supports young graduates in preparing for their career entry.