Competence analysis brings more security

The first morning was all about self-reflection. Using various methods, the participants developed their skills profiles in individual and group work. The focus was not only on the technical and methodological skills taught during their studies, but also on the personal skills, values and social skills that the female academics bring with them. "A skills profile like this is not created in one morning," explained HR consultant Petra Sofia Hübers: "Over the coming weeks and months, you will keep coming up with new things that will sharpen your profile even further. Make a note of them!"
After all, having a clear skills profile to hand makes it all the easier to apply for a suitable job with confidence. The participants were able to try this out directly on the second morning. Using real job advertisements that they would apply for, they prepared short presentations in which they used arguments to prove their suitability for precisely this job. During the subsequent presentation in the group, all participants learned that self-knowledge and good preparation form the basis for a confident appearance in a job interview.