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Teaching and research on gender and diversity

We want to increase the visibility of teaching and research on the topics of gender and diversity at TU Dortmund University. In order to do so, we survey current seminars, lectures, research projects and publications in these subject areas every semester. (We no longer carry out separate research in the LSF system). The information is used to compile a course catalog on gender and diversity and provides us with content-related suggestions for our transfer formats.

The questionnaire is aimed at professors, academic staff and early career researchers who deal with gender and diversity issues in their research and/or teaching.

We would be delighted if you could tell us about your events and research work in order to promote the transfer of knowledge in these subject areas. We only expect feedback from you if you assign your activities to one of these subject areas. You are also welcome to forward the questionnaire to interested colleagues.

We look forward to your answers!

Unfortunely the questionnaire is only available in German.




(z. B. Denomination der Professur, Lehrgebiet etc.)

Lehre und Veranstaltungen an der TU Dortmund

(Titel, wenn bekannt LSF-Nummer)

Forschung und Publikationen

(Titel, Laufzeit, Leitung, Förderinstitution)

Interne Vernetzung und Austausch an der TU Dortmund


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