Talk about anti-feminism goes online in November
- Butler, Butch, Beyoncé

One week after the US presidential elections, we invite Juliane Lang from Justus Liebig University Giessen and the performance collective THE AGENCY to discuss a phenomenon that seems to be on the rise: Antifeminism - which attitudes, which ideologies, which narratives are gathered under the term? Which actors are there, what drives them, what connections are there to other movements such as (neo-)conservative movements and (right-wing) populism?
Together with Laura N. Junghanns, the guests will discuss anti-feminist phenomena and point out concrete feminist and activist counter-strategies.
Access: The event is free of charge and will be streamed live at, viewers can ask questions via live chat.
- Juliane Lang is a research assistant at Justus Liebig University Giessen and part of the "Research Network Women and Right-Wing Extremism"(, she is also part of the interdisciplinary research project "KRisE der GeschlechterVERhältnisSE? Anti-feminism as a crisis phenomenon with socially divisive potential" (REVERSE)" at the Philipps University of Marburg, which examines anti-feminist discourse production and its actor and addressee groups.
- THE AGENCY is an interdisciplinary theater and performance collective. In their performances, the audience themselves become actors in the action in digital surroundings. Most recently, they presented their online performance "THE BOYS" at FFT Düsseldorf as part of a cycle of works that explores the connections between patriarchal masculinity and right-wing thinking in the post-digital age and addresses how ideas from digital spaces such as 4chan or Breitbart News are involved in the emergence and exercise of violence - online and offline.
Curatorial direction: Laura N. Junghanns, Dirk Baumann
Moderation: Laura N. Junghanns
Technical direction: Charles Deichmann
Scientific advisors: Lynn Berg, Bettina Long