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New course catalog on gender and diversity is online

  • Vorlesungsverzeichnis Gender und Diversität
Gezeichnetes schwarz-weiß Portrait einer weißen Frau von 1898. © CC PDM 1.0
Portrait von Friederike Caroline Neuber

In the winter semester 2024/25, TU Dortmund University will once again be offering many courses on the structural and analytical categories of "gender" and "diversity".

The Equal Opportunities Office has again compiled a course catalog for the upcoming winter semester with courses on the topics of "gender" and "diversity". The Equal Opportunities Office has been notified of a total of 34 courses that will deal with "gender" or "diversity" as structural and analytical categories in the coming semester. The range and variety of topics is very broad. The content of the lectures ranges from sex, gender and queer theories, migration and racism to religion as well as inclusion, age and disability.

On the cover: Friederike Caroline Neuber (1697-1760)

Friederike Caroline Neuber was one of the most important German actresses and playwrights of the 18th century. At a time when women had minimal access to cultural institutions, Neuber broke down barriers and was the driving force behind the establishment of German theatre.

As a child, she experienced the effects of patriarchal violence through her father. After several attempts to escape, she finally managed to flee domestic violence at the age of 20 by joining an acting company. Ten years later, she founded her group, the Neuber'sche Komödiantengesellschaft.

As head of the Neuber'sche Komödiantengesellschaft, she set new standards for the art of acting and established acting as a respected profession. Through her innovative approach to roles and productions, Friederike Caroline Neuber made a significant contribution to the reform of German theatre. Her demand for higher moral and aesthetic standards revolutionised the theatre and put it on a professional footing.


This semester, the Department of Cultural Studies is offering the seminar "Dramatikerinnen des 18. Jahrhunderts" , in which works by Friederike Caroline Neuber and other important female playwrights will be examined.