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Artificial intelligence meets music

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  • MinTU
Eine Hand klassifiziert Pilzsorten und ordnet sie nach Giftigkeit und Genießbarkeit zu. © Timmreck​/​TU Dortmund
Im Lamarr-Institut konnten die Schülerinnen in die Mykologie eintauchen.

At MinTU, the participants dealt with the topics of artificial intelligence and machine learning, programmed robots and produced music transmitters.

In the computer science workshop, the students visited the Lamarr Institute and experienced an interactive event with exciting insights into the basics of machine learning and artificial intelligence. After a short introductory lecture that clarified a few important terms, the students got to work themselves. They became animal experts and recognized the moods of monkeys, horses and cows. They also went on a mycological excursion and became mushroom experts by transforming themselves and others into a neural network. The participants quickly found out which mushrooms are non-toxic and which are better not to eat.

In the ET/IT workshop "Robo-Lab - A robot scratches the curve", the girls visited the Institute for Robot Research. They programmed Lego robots so that they could follow a black line through a Martian landscape. After successful programming, some mentees took the opportunity to test the limits of the robot by setting the driving speed to the highest level and seeing how the robot reacted on the test field.
In the area of communication technology, the participants tried their hand at transmitting music from their cell phones to a radio. This worked without any problems. Armed with a soldering iron, the participants built their own transmitters to make the radio play - completely wirelessly. In conclusion, the students agreed that "soldering is pretty cool".

It was a very varied day with great insights for the MinTU participants. The last workshop day for the current round will take place in November.