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Female students train their voices

Screenshot Zoomcall © Brenker​/​TU Dortmund
Trainer Kriszti Kiss got the participants out of their comfort zone and performed many exercises standing up.
Following the successful launch of at the beginning of May, another online workshop took place on June 24, 2022 as part of f.2.e. Under the title "Arriving with your voice", trainer Kriszti Kiss shared many techniques for improving the use of your own voice with female students and scientists from TU Dortmund University.

Elisabeth Brenker, coordinator of, welcomed the participants at the start of the workshop and promised a special day: "Today we're definitely getting out of our comfort zone," she announced. Kriszti Kiss, actress, cabaret artist and chanson singer, had brought along some exercises from "her world", the theater: poems, tongue twisters and song lyrics were on the workshop program.

The expert guided the participants through their first vocal exercises and showed them during the introductory round how a presentation can be enhanced through the varied and conscious use of the voice. "The most important thing in presentations or job interviews is to show enthusiasm for the subject, the topic or the job," explained Kriszti Kiss. The aim of the workshop was to learn how to exploit the potential of the voice and use it to convey enthusiasm and emphasize one's own personality.

In addition to some theoretical input, the main focus was on trying things out. All participants carried out the different and sometimes challenging exercises and received individual feedback from the trainer. At the end, they were able to put what they had learned directly into practice. In a simulated job interview, the participants answered questions from the "HR manager" Kiss. For once, the answers did not depend on what the candidate said, but how she said it.

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