Episode 4: Artificial intelligence and feminism
- BBB Staffel 2

Ada Lovelace, a woman, is considered the originator of the first algorithm. A lot has happened since then. Artificial intelligence has long since shaped our lives: Whether algorithms for online shopping, in social networks or personal assistance systems - this is not only practical, but also seems to promise neutrality. However, automated decision-making systems have the potential not only to reproduce gender-specific thought patterns and discrimination practices, but also to reinforce them. What is the relationship between gender, machine learning and technology? Why are Alexa, Siri and co. coded as female, are they just harmless stereotyping or is there more to it? And above all: what strategies can we use to counter this?
Dr. Bianca Prietl is Assistant Professor for Social Impacts of Digitalization at the Institute of Sociology at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and a board member of the Austrian Society for Gender Studies (ÖGGF). She has written numerous publications and given lectures in the field of gender and digitalization. In 2019, she was awarded the Dr. Hans Messer Foundation Prize for her habilitation project on the interplay between knowledge production, digitalization and society.