Episode 1: Antifeminism
- BBB Staffel 2

Which attitudes, which ideologies, which narratives are gathered under the term? Which actors are there, what drives them, what connections are there to other movements such as (neo-)conservative movements and (right-wing) populism?
Together with Laura N. Junghanns, the guests discussed anti-feminist phenomena and highlighted specific feminist and activist counter-strategies.
Juliane Lang is a research assistant at Justus Liebig University Giessen and part of the Women and Right-Wing Extremism Research Network. She is also part of the interdisciplinary research project "KRisE der GeschlechterVERhältnisSE? Anti-feminism as a crisis phenomenon with the potential to divide society" (REVERSE)" at the Philipps University of Marburg, which examines anti-feminist discourse production and its actor and addressee groups.