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Big MinTU get-together in Rombergpark

  • MinTU

On a sunny Saturday in September, several MinTU groups met in Rombergpark. A mentor reports on the trip.

Die Mentees und Mentorinnen (insgesamt 14 Personen) sitzen auf einer Wiese unter einem Baum und lächeln in die Kamera. © Huynh ​/​ TU Dortmund

Normally, the participants in the "MinTU" mentoring programme meet regularly in their groups, but this time the idea was to organize a larger get-together to promote the exchange between the mentees of the different groups and to get to know each other better. A total of twelve mentees took part in the get-together. A classic picnic was held at a green location with several tables, which the mentees had found beforehand, according to the motto "everyone brings something".

In addition to the cozy meal, various exciting board games were played. The game "Nimm 6" was particularly popular, where the aim was to guess numbers, anticipate the moves of the other players and perfect one's own strategy. Other highlights included the word game "Tabu", the memory word game "Eindeutig-Zweideutig" and "Micro Macro Crime City", which involved solving criminal cases on a city map and identifying the perpetrators.

Away from the card games, several rounds of "Wikingerschach" provided plenty of fun. The mentees were able to test, practise and improve their skills with lots of movement and skill - and some Wikingerschach-talent was discovered, as well as a sense of fun and team spirit.

In between, the mentees talked about their personal experiences during the summer vacation: From vacations in Hamburg or Spain to a Taylor Swift concert in Gelsenkirchen and visits to their grandparents in Germany. They also discussed the differences between school vacations and semester breaks and how these affect leisure activities in relation to school and university.

The big get-together in Rombergpark was a great opportunity to exchange ideas across groups and spend some quality time together in nature.

Auf einer Wiese liegt eine Picknickdecke. Sechs Mentees und Mentorinnen sitzen im Kreis und spielen das Kartenspiel "Tabu". © Huynh ​/​ TU Dortmund
Aus der Vogelperspektive fotografiert: Auf einem Tisch liegt eine Karte die Teil des Spiels "Micro Macro Crime City" ist. Acht Personen schauen auf die Karte und suchen nach Hinweisen. © Huynh ​/​ TU Dortmund