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Wage (in)fairness

Activities around Equal Pay Day in Dortmund

Equal Pay Day demonstration march through Dortmund city center © Brenker​/​TU Dortmund

Equal Pay Day draws attention to gender-specific pay inequalities (gender pay gap) in Germany. The day of action symbolizes the date up to which women would not be paid at all from the beginning of the year if they received the same average hourly wage as men during the rest of the year.

According to current figures from the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 18 percent less than men. This so-called gender pay gap is greater in Germany than in almost any other European country.

The Dortmund Equal Pay Day campaign alliance is calling for a demonstration march through the city center on 6 March 2024 from 5 pm. The meeting point is Friedensplatz. The subsequent program at Dortmunder U is dedicated to the topic of women in management positions and sheds light on the much-cited "glass ceiling".

Further information and program