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UA Ruhr Workshop "Gender equality issues in appointment procedures"

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Logo: ‘UA Ruhr Gender Equality’. White lettering on a blue background. © UA Ruhr
The online seminar "Gender equality issues in appointment procedures" took place on 21.11.2024. The skills training was aimed at professors and other members of appointment committees at the three UA Ruhr universities.

A solid basic knowledge is required to carry out appointment procedures. The focus is on fair and legally compliant procedures, whereby bias, assessment distortions and other possible procedural errors must be avoided in order to select the best candidates.

The online seminar provided a comprehensive overview of the most important legal framework conditions in appointment procedures, which are of central importance for the implementation of legally compliant and fair procedures at universities. The seminar gave participants the opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss them together.

The speaker was once again Dr. Juliane Lorenz, legal advisor for university and civil service law, appointment advice at the German University Association.

The workshop is part of a continuing education format that is jointly designed and alternately organized by the central equal opportunities officers of the UA Ruhr universities (Ruhr University Bochum, University of Duisburg-Essen, TU Dortmund University).