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Summer, sun, smash the patriarchy

"Smash the Patriarchy" - The Equal Opportunities Office at the Summer Festival

Visitors throw cans with socks at the summer festival booth © Timmreck​/​TU Dortmund
Smash the Patriarchy! - A different kind of can tossing at the booth of the Equal Opportunities Office
Students, employees and guests of TU Dortmund University ring in the end of the summer semester together at the traditional summer party. On June 27, Campus North was once again transformed into a place to celebrate with live music, international food and hands-on activities.

Together with the Equal Opportunities, Family and Diversity Office and the Central Advice Centre for Protection against Discrimination and Sexualized Violence ( SchuDS) , the Equal Opportunities Office offered a variety of activities for young and old. Children and adults tested (and improved) their knowledge of equality and diversity in the know-it-all quiz. "Smash the Patriarchy" was the motto of the can throwing event, where terms such as "racism", "mental load" and "victim blaming" were loudly brought to the ground. At the neighboring QueePeers stand, visitors also tested their knowledge of queerfeminist terms in the "Diversity Memory".
Colorful buttons and tattoos with queer-feminist motifs were given as a reward for correct answers and for learning more.