MinTU - Girls at TU Dortmund University: Many paths lead to mechanical engineering
The MinTU Mechanical Engineering Workshop took place online on April 9.
Bukof publishes position paper for a gender-equitable higher education policy
In a position paper, bukof formulates positions for more gender equality at German universities with 18 fields of action.
Episode 3: Feminism Through the Ages
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Butler, Butch, Beyoné asked about the relationship between different generations of feminists.
AStA starts the women's* fight week
This year there will be a week-long Women's* Fight Week from March 1 to 8.
International Women's Day - International Women's Day - Women's* Struggle Day
On March 8, International Women's Day, we celebrate women and their achievements at all levels of our society.
Episode 2: Ageism
Journalist Tanja Mokosch and artist Ilia Papatheodorou discussed women in the media, youth mania, wrinkles and the menopause.
Equality office launches queerfeminist calendar project
With the new feminist and queer calendar, the Equal Opportunities Office at TU Dortmund University brings you up to date.