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Support services for victims of domestic violence in Dortmund

Here is the number of the helpline © BMFSFJ
Victims and those close to them can contact the ‘Violence against women’ helpline anonymously and free of charge: 08000 116 016
The Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Dortmund has published information on support services for those affected by domestic violence. The world is upside down and public life has come to a standstill. We are being asked to stay at home as much as possible, which is certainly an important measure to contain the spread of the coronavirus. However, the home is all too often not a safe place and especially in the current restrictive situation, the risk of women and children experiencing domestic and sexualized violence increases.

While the risk of violence increases, injuries or support needs of those affected are less noticeable if, for example, those affected no longer go to school, work or the sports club.
For children, young people and adults who are affected by violence in their immediate social environment, the current situation can mean that they are constantly at the mercy of perpetrators.

We would like to encourage those affected and caregivers to seek support in cases of sexualized or domestic violence and not to remain alone. Specialist advice centers and other support facilities are still available by phone and online and can provide support in individual cases.

Call for solidarity in the neighborhood

In a recent statement by the Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe Frauen gegen Gewalt e.V. (bff) (Federal Association of Women's Counseling Centers and Women's Emergency Calls Against Violence), the association comments on the connection between curfews and increased domestic violence.

It also calls for solidarity in the neighborhood! It is important not to look away, but to show civil courage and, for example, to offer support to those affected or to find out about offers of help yourself. Support persons can also seek help and advice if they are unsure how they can support those affected.

Counseling services on site

Hotlines are also available for victims and caregivers to contact free of charge and anonymously if necessary:

Addresses of specialist counseling centers nationwide can be found here:


We would also like to point out that the pregnancy conflict counseling centers in Dortmund offer telephone counseling.