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About us

The central Equal Opportunities Officer and her team work in the Equal Opportunities Office at TU Dortmund University. In addition to the legal mandate for equality between women and men, to which the Central Equal Opportunities Officer in particular is committed by virtue of her office, the employees deal with issues of justice for all genders at TU Dortmund University.

The main focus of work is providing information on gender issues and raising awareness of inequalities and mechanisms of structural discrimination. The website of the Equal Opportunities Office forms an important basis for fulfilling this mission. It provides in-depth information on gender issues and equality activities, event formats, print publications, counselling services and much more.

A basis for the activities of the Equal Opportunities Office is the analysis of TU Dortmund University's structural data. It reveals disparities and highlights fields of action in which TU Dortmund University can become more gender-equitable:

  •  The low proportion of female professors means that one focus of the work of the central Equal Opportunities Officer is to support gender-equitable appointment procedures.
  • Due to the underrepresentation of female students in STEM subjects and male students in humanities and cultural studies courses, the Equal Opportunities Office team runs projects that counteract gender-stereotypical study and career choice behaviour.
  • In addition, the Equal Opportunities Office offers support to women in preparing for a career outside academia, in addition to the TU activities for the promotion of young academics.

The aim of the Equal Opportunities Office's work is to make a special contribution to ensuring that TU Dortmund University develops into a more gender-equitable university. In doing so, it thinks and works intersectionally and has all genders in mind.